Our Story

As an architect, I have always enjoyed being creative, and coming from South Africa, we always enjoy having our friends and family over for a braai (barbeque).

In the beginning of 2020, we were very exited to relocate to New Zealand, but the Covid pandemic halted our plans. We were forced to postpone immigration due to the lockdown in New Zealand and the rest of the world.We were able to relocate and begin our journey in New Zealand after a very long three years. Making new friends in a new country was a great blessing, our kids are doing well in university and my husband and I have found good jobs in Hamilton.

As a result of our warm South-African social culture, we had friends over for dinner quite often, but finding décor for my table did not come easily!The idea for paper placemats was born during one of our famous braai’s (barbeque) and with encouragement from my husband and friends, my business was up and running in four months.

Creating a stylish dinner table at an affordable price is my passion, and that is why I am very excited to share this with all New Zealanders. With Table Treasures, the hope is to create more occasions for gathering around the dinner table, relaxing with loved once, and even enjoying the kids’ company (minus theirphones, of course!).

The concept is still new and has great potential for growth, including unique products that complement the placemats.

Stay tuned for what’s to come...

Jaco and Adele